How to Make a Toast


A toast … Get the champagne glasses ready! This week’s tip on how to sound smarter is a brief guide on how to make a toast, infused with grammar tips, of course! Why are we talking toasts? I’ve got some exciting news to share! Along with our web developer, James Stone, Snowflake Stories was awarded a silver Davey Award for … Read more

Fewer vs. Less


It all starts when you duck out of the office at 5:30 sharp on Friday to rush to pick up organic baby spring greens, slivered almonds, and dried cranberries.
You’re in a hurry. Because …

Shined or Shone?


Remember going to the doctor’s office and the nurse would say, “I’m going to have to give you a shot. But don’t worry. It won’t hurt.” This won’t hurt, but (brace yourself), you’re going to have to pay attention on this one. (Oddly, some people do struggle to pay attention to explanations of the nuances of English grammar. (Strange, … Read more