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Award-winning, Bilingual Personalized Children's Books
If you've struggled to find books with red-haired characters like your lil' cutie ...
Or if it's hard to find books featuring your blended family ...
If books featuring an Asian mom and an African American dad are hard to come by ...
Or if picture books written in French are scarce ...
For many of us practicing social distancing and staying at home, it doesn’t seem like we’re doing enough, given the sacrifices that many others are making so that healthcare, food, and other basic necessities are available to all.
To help in some small way, we made a free activity kit to keep kids occupied for 30 minutes.
Hopefully, that time will help moms and dads working from home to participate in that conference call, care-givers to prepare dinner, or anyone with a child to make time for sorely needed self-care.
Of course, we made these materials available in English as well as in Spanish!
The images below show three of the six activities you'll find in each kit.
Feel free to download one or both :)
Dance Activity Kit -- English
Dance Activity Kit -- Español
Stay safe, and if you can, stay at home to help flatten the curve!
1. Select Your Book's Cast
2. Tailor Each Character
3. Choose Your Language(s)
4. Make The Book A Keepsake
“It doesn't matter if a child speaks Spanish or English, has brown eyes or blue, or has a single mom or two ... every child should see themself in a book.”
- Jill Barletti
Our custom storybook, Dance Recital, is the perfect gift for any little ballerina! Your favorite dancer will squeal with delight upon seeing herself dance across the pages of a book tailor-made to reflect her and her loved ones. And she will learn how to prepare for her very own dance recital!
Boys love our customizable soccer book! Your lil' soccer star will learn from close family members that if he wants to help his team win the big game, he has to practice hard and believe in himself. Spoiler alert: he will be thrilled to see himself score the game-winning goal with a scissor kick!
We didn't forget the girls! Because girls love to play soccer and love to win just as much as boys do, we created The Big Soccer Game for boys and girls. Your lil' cutie will inspire herself when she sees herself on the pages of a hardcover storybook kicking the ball into the goal and winning the big game for her team!
Love baseball? Gift your little guy his very own copy of At Bat and introduce him to America's favorite pastime. If your little baseball fan is reluctant to join in the fun, this custom storybook will help! Our personalized baseball book for boys will show him the magic that can happen if he finds the courage to step up to the plate!
~ The News-Times
~ Shanna /
~ Naples Daily News
I founded Snowflake Stories because I struggled to find books written in Spanish for my two half-Latino children when they were young,
My babies are grown now. But I remember the challenge of trying to raise them in a bilingual home. So my kids and I created this line of award-winning, bilingual personalized children's books — These custom storybooks are exactly what we wanted but couldn't find. We hope you enjoy them!
If you’ve ever made up a bedtime story for your child, grandchild, or favorite niece or nephew, you’ve seen how their face lights up when they hear that they are the star of the story.
In addition to this initial delight, there are several advantages that personalized stories have compared to non-personalized ones ...
If your child adores their grandpa or has a favorite aunt, what better way to celebrate that special bond than with a book featuring both?
And think of the memories you'll create all snuggled up on the couch with your lil' cutie, sharing a feel good story starring them and the most important people in their world!
Each bilingual (or single-language) personalized children's book from Snowflake Stories is custom-made — No two books are the same.
Because it takes about two weeks for one of our custom-made books to arrive at your doorstep, you have to plan ahead ... unless you're giving our downloadable gift certificate.
With a Snowflake Stories book, you're giving a keepsake. Each book in the line is beautifully illustrated, well written, and tells an uplifting story -- there's a reason every book is multi-award-winning.
And our 8.5" x 11" hardcover books are printed in full color by one of the leading printing companies in the U.S.
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