The Subjunctive


This week’s grammar lesson deals with an error I hear all the time. And it’s like nails on a chalkboard for me. We’re going to talk about the subjunctive. The sub-who? The subjunctive. If you’ve taken Spanish classes, this might sound like a scary topic. But it’s not. I promise.   So … What is it? In grammar parlance, the subjunctive is … Read more

Lay vs. Lie


I have a confession. My grammar wasn’t always perfect. (Chorus of gasps.) It may be hard for you to believe because you’ve come to know me as an omniscient grammar goddess. But it’s true. My deep dark secret is that for years, I was haunted by a grammar point: the difference between lay and lie.

How to Make a Toast


A toast … Get the champagne glasses ready! This week’s tip on how to sound smarter is a brief guide on how to make a toast, infused with grammar tips, of course! Why are we talking toasts? I’ve got some exciting news to share! Along with our web developer, James Stone, Snowflake Stories was awarded a silver Davey Award for … Read more